Regain and maintain your health at all levels (Mind, Body & Spirit)


The science of acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. For thousands of years the people of China have appreciated it for its non-pharmaceutical treatment, simple application, wide range of use, good curative effect, and low cost. Over its long history Acupuncture has been continually revised, substantiated and perfected. Acupuncture can be effective for the treatment of physical pain/discomfort as well as chronic illness, hormone imbalance, depression and/or anxiety, fatigue, and allergies. Other forms of treatment include: weight loss/management, quitting tobacco use, fertility, menopausal symptoms, and chemotherapy-related symptoms.

Acupuncture treatment is the insertion of very fine surgical quality needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture needles are FDA approved medical devices, they are factory sterilized and sealed, used only once and then disposed of. Acupuncture points are chosen on a complex theory of physiology and diagnosis.

Today acupuncture is being studied around the world using a variety of modern testing procedures. The consensus is; acupuncture successfully addresses most disease states and a wide variety of symptoms. You be the judge.


New Patient Consultation  & Treatment ….. 1 Hour ….. $100.00
Follow Up Treatment ….. 40-60 Minutes ….. $50 – $75


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